Может, Земля всё-таки плоская?

  • Опубликовано 25 Сентября 2017

    Автор: Vsauce
    Опубликовано 4 декабря 2014 года

    подпишись: http://www.twitter.com/tweetsauce
    Симуляция гравитации плоской земли, выполненная Yeti Dynamics: https://www.youtube.com/user/yetipc1

    исследование плоскости Канзаса: (блины, использованные в исследовании, взяты с IHOP): http://www.improb.com/airchives/paper...

    плоскость других штатов: http://www.theatlantic.com/technology...

    "Значение всего" от Ричарда Фейнмана: http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Meaning-A...

    “Свинья, которая хочет, чтобы ее съели”: http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Pig-That-...

    тематически похожее видео на Vsauce, “Реально ли сущее?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L45Q1...

    Відео Minutphysics “10 ГЛАВНЫХ ФАКТОВ в пользу того, что земля круглая” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_W28...

    Классный сатирический сериал о том, почему Земля плоская: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83aYf...

    Что если бы Земля имела фрму куба?


    МИФ о круглой Земле:


    Земля круглая:


    Мост Вераззано: http://www.ljhammond.com/phlit/2012-0...

    Спор о написании "Вераззано": http://www.huffingtonpost.com/roseann...

    Общество плоской Земли:


    Вилбур Глен Волива:



    Карта плоской Земли (одна теория): http://www.earthnotaglobe.com/library...

    Закон По:


    Наука всегда условна, а теории невозможно доказать полностью:


    Азимов о том, что можно быть “более неправым”: http://chem.tufts.edu/answersinscienc...

    Бритва Оккама: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/sim...

    Пламенный лазерный меч Ньютона: https://philosophynow.org/issues/46/N...

    Другие лезвия: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Razor_%2...

    релятивистское сокращение длины:

    вот это мне очень понравилось: http://faraday.physics.utoronto.ca/PV...

    Земля и перспектива космического луча:


    симулятор сокращения вольфрама: http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/Rel...

    Сьюзен Хаак: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundher...

    кроссворд, опубликованый в "Нью-Йорк Таймс" в день выборов в 1996 году:


    Привет, Vsauce. Это Майкл. В 2003 году исследователи провели измерения и обнаружили, что на самом деле Канзас в прямом смысле более плоский, чем блин. Естественно, Земля не плоская, Земля круглая.

    Иначе бы путешественники все время срывались с ее края. Правильно? Неправильно. Если бы Земля имела форму не шара, а плоского диска, как эта тарелка, то с подходящей плотностью и толщиной жизнь в ее центре ощущалась бы вполне нормально. Но по мере приближения к краю гравитация на дискообразной Земле постепенно искажалась бы, толкая тело обратно к центру под все большим и большим углом.

    Мой друг Ник из "Йети динамикс" сделал эту замечательную симуляцию. Человек и здания, естественно, не в масштабе, но смотрите, как будет увеличиваться влияние диагональной гравитации. Хотя это плоский диск, бегущему к его краю будет казаться, что он пытается взобраться на все более и более крутой склон. Фундаменты зданий за бегуном показывают, как пришлось бы строить дома ближе и ближе к краю, чтобы живущим в них людям всегда казалось, что низ находится под нужным углом к полу, так, как мы это ощущаем на нашей большой, круглой Земле.

    По мере приближения к краю будет становиться страшнее. Помните, это плоская Земля, но ощущаться будет как перпендикулярный откос. Но действительно круто, что вместо страха упасть с обрыва, на плоской земле из-за гравитации большим риском будет падение от обрыва и качение обратно к центру. Когда ты выйдешь за край, вместо того, чтобы выпасть в космос, ты сможешь расслабиться.

    Это будет приятное ровное место. Конечно, эта модель игнорирует факт, что такая форма планеты невозможна. Что-то настолько массивное, как Земля, и имеющее форму плоского диска, под действием собственной гравитации естественным образом превратится в шар Поэтому в открытом космосе все, что больше нескольких сотен километров в диаметре, круглое. Или нам так сказали.

    Что если гравитации не существует? Что если Земля на самом деле плоская, а наука все это время ошибалась? Заблуждением является то, что Христофор Колумб открыл, что Земля круглая. Почти каждый ученый и основные религии Запада приняли округлость Земли практически со времен древних греков, которые, например, заметили, что лодки исчезают, начиная со дна, когда уходят в плавание. Если идти на север или юг, звезды то появляются, то исчезают из вида. Заблуждение, что всего несколько веков назад куча людей верила, что Земля плоская, вероятно, возникло в современную эпоху как какое-то оскорбление.

    Эй, ваши люди недавно думали, что Земля плоская, так почему мы должны верить вам сейчас? Это обвинение повторялось и публиковалось так часто, что стало приниматься как исторический факт. "Плоскоземельное" стало синонимом "антинаучного". Она может казаться плоской на коротких расстояниях, но с их увеличением Земля все-таки достаточно изогнутая. Мост Верразано-Нарроус, соединяющий Статен-Айленд и Бруклин, был спроектирован с учетом того, что Земля круглая.

    Две его башни, разделенные 1300 метрами, идеально вертикальные, тем не менее, на 41 миллиметр дальше друг от друга в верхушках, чем в основаниях, из-за изгиба поверхности Земли. В третьем веке до н. э. Эратосфен измерил разницу между тенями, отбрасываемыми шестами в Сиенне и Александрии, чтобы рассчитать, более чем за 2000 лет до ракет и полетов в космос, окружность всей шарообразной земли с впечатляющей для того времени точностью.

    С тех пор и кружит слух о шарообразности Земли. Но в 1906 году Вилбур Гленн Волива возглавил немного странную религиозную секту, находящуюся у власти в городе Зион, штат Иллинойс. Волива считал, что Земля на самом деле плоская, и насаждал учения о плоскости Земли в школах Зиона. И заставлял придерживаться этого мнения любого, кто попадал в город.

    ТОЛЬКО НЕГОДЯИ НАЗЫВАЮТ ЗЕМЛЮ КРУГЛОЙ В ГОРОДЕ ЗИОН Волива не только считал, что Земля плоская, но и что солнце находилось в нескольких тысячах километров от Земли, не 150 миллионах. Он также считал, что диаметр солнца всего 50 километров, а не 1 400 000. Он сумасшедший, или нет? Видите ли, тот же феномен, который измерил Эратосфен, может поддерживать теорию плоской Земли, если бы солнце находилось в нескольких сотнях километров и было 50 км в диаметре. Математика сработала бы так же.

    Сегодня с помощью интернета современные сторонники плоской Земли начали с того, где Волива остановился. У них есть хорошие контраргументы на предоставленные им доказательства, что Земля круглая. Кругосветные путешествия на самом деле просто круговой путь на плоскости. Круглая тень, отбрасываемая Землей на Луну во время лунного затмения, тоже может быть отброшена плоским диском.

    Часовые пояса объясняются частичным солнечным освещением, и помните, как будет отличаться гравитация на дискообразной планете? Они утверждают, что гравитации, какой мы ее знаем, просто не существует. Плоский диск Земли просто поднимается вверх с ускорением 9,8 метров в секунду. А как насчет фото- и видеодоказательств, что Земля круглая, которые у нас есть благодаря исследованию космоса? Что ж, все эти материалы полностью сфабрикованы. Это обман, созданный обществом Большого Шара.

    Космические агентства, авиалинии, производители глобусов. Они пожинают плоды нашего невежественного убеждения, что Земля круглая. Конечно, они знают, что она плоская, и утаивают истину от нас. Неужели это просто совпадение, что логотип Общества плоской Земли - проекция Земли с Северным полюсом в центре, которая также используется ООН? Они серьезно? Возможно, не все.

    В этом-то и загвоздка закона По. Это максима утверждает, что две крайности - пародию на экстремизм и настоящий экстремизм - трудно различить. Хотя теории плоской Земли и умны, их объяснения в основном не продуманы, а оправдания, составленные на ходу, касаются только одного из аспектов и не подходят всем доказательствам. Естественно, наука отвергает одну теорию, если другая лучше подходит под наши наблюдения.

    Но что за эгоистическая одержимость нашими наблюдениями? Частица космического излучения может использовать те же научные методы и прийти к заключению, что Земля на самом деле плоская. Понимаете, на скоростях, близких к скорости света, время замедляется, а длина сокращается. Мы это смогли узнать, так как нестабильные мюоны, созданные в верхних слоях атмосферы при столкновении космического излучения с атмосферой, должны в основном распадаться до столкновения с поверхностью Земли. Но все же мы регистрируем большое их количество здесь, потому что из-за их сумасшедшей скорости, с нашей точки зрения, их физика протекает по замедленным часам.

    И с их точки зрения, это расстояние до поверхности земли, которое они должны преодолеть за их короткие жизни, гораздо, гораздо короче, чем кажется нам. Если быть протоном космического излучения, путешествующим с 99. 9999999999991% от скорости света, Земля бы казалась всего 17 метров толщиной в направлении твоего движения. Так что Земля плоская для них, но круглая для нас.

    Она шарообразная для одних наблюдателей и плоская для других. Не может быть одного самого правильного для всех обстоятельств ответа. Сьюзан Хэк сравнивает знания с кроссвордом. Новые ответы переплетаются со старыми, они подкрепляют друг друга.

    Подсказки - это вопросы, которые мы задаем, а то, как ответы вписываются в заранее определенную сетку? Это наша уверенность в том, что мы на верном пути. Но это не значит, что однажды кроссворд будет закончен, все ответы заполнены. Вспомните известный кроссворд из "Нью-Йорк Таймс" 1996 года, вышедший за день до выборов президента США между Биллом Клинтоном и Бобом Долом. Подсказка к 39 по горизонтали была просто сумасшедшей.

    Требовалось знать будущее, чтобы ответить правильно. В ней было сказано: "Главная новость завтрашней газеты пробел избран". Этим пробелом мог быть как Клинтон, так и Боб Дол. А разве можно было сказать, кто из них, до завтра? Это узнать невозможно.

    Но, как оказалось, ответом был Клинтон или Боб Дол. Неважно, кого бы ты написал, все остальное стыкуется. Например, "черным животным на Хеллоуине" может быть и кошка (cat), и летучая мышь (bat). Наши знания об окружающем мире могут быть такими же.

    Головоломка без готовых ответов, просто уверенность, что ответы, которые, как нам кажется, мы знаем, стыкуются, так что они, возможно, верны. Хотя остается вероятность, что ответ на один из вопросов, или на все из них, не будет иметь только один точный и подходящий ответ. Возможно, эта головоломка вечная. Мне понравилось, что Ричард Фейнман сказал об этом.

    "Некоторые люди говорят: "Как ты можешь жить без знания?" Я не знаю, что они имеют в виду. Я всегда живу без знания, это легко. Но как получить знания, вот это я бы хотел узнать". Знаете ли.

    И, как всегда, спасибо за просмотр. .

Kenny Rogers

physics state that it is a donut shape also that's how you can Traverse the North and South Pole within 7 minutes according to Admiral Byrd

Henry Gomez

He's lost his hair, now he's lost his mind!!!!!!


This is the greatest "I don't fucking know" answer I have seen so far


Eratosthenes?  I thought that was pronounced  Era TOS the nees.   And the bridge span fact is interesting, however the correct word is "farther", not "further".   Oh, you say it doesn't matter?  Well, does one ever ask "how fur is it?" ?   No, it is "how FAR is it".  Farther.

Sydney Silver

Lol ur mocking us but did you know gravity is just a theory and density is a competing theory to that


Dont spread missinformation by confusing people.

Sophomore Kevin

The devil is the greatest deceiver✌️

Drink Me

The Earth is *T H I C C*

Steven Jimenez

So is the earth fucking flat or not? Smh

Hashim Ali

If it was flat u would be able to mount Everest where ever u are

cheguvera moxey

you are totally brainwashed the earth is flat ..........duh there is no gravity plus the earth does not move ...... duh hypocrite

Nathan White

If that's so and we don't have any gravity how can the Earth hold itself together without any gravity if it was flat


No. Short answer.

Trippy Eyes


Connor Farrell

So...the Earth is flat?

Enjoy the Moment

we have been lied to, by people that place themselves and or placed by others as experts on the subject like the dorky clown on this video. The Earth is Flat, enjoy the moment, enjoy your senses of reason.

christidopher brouse

Fuxk micheal and his damn 'or is it' give errybody cancer and spawn flat earthers. Notical miles existed before columbus you dumb fuck. King tut was mummified with cocaine. That means egyptians were in contact with the americas before what is widely taught in schools thus far. BUT, that means the ancient civs even knew the curvature of travel over water. It seems flat, and it will be level, say you take a long rope and hold it in the exact spot while a ship crosses the atlantic from britain to new york. It will seem to be level until you cannot see the ship anymore. Leave the rope tied to the dock and i garentee you the rope will be atleast partially submerged. Taken for granted you can accumulate that long of a rope. Yes. I get tension over distance. Apply the math and there is relativity to that. The rope will still be submerged because of the curvature of gravity relative to the matter it pulls around it, we call earth.. home, basically. But please falt earthers. Feels stupid



Zay Bob

Its funny how people have their opinions and they are all based off of something they put faith in and believe themselves but haven't seen for themselves.. None of y'all know anything. So don't talk shit about people having a different opinion than you.. You look dumb as hell and ignorant.

Harley Walls

earth is round get over it

Snoop Diggy Dogg

He could have just said hey vsauce Michael hey then say is the earth flat no and then end the video

Giovanni Alaimo

AHAHA!!!!! The Earth is Flat! IDIOTA!!!

veni vidi

6:32 aaaaaaayy it's Poe-A-


Now: Flat-Earthers Next: Round-Minecraft-ers

esk aarn

the tin foil hat :D

Avner A

there are evidence that the earth is a flat plane, trying to force modern theories on a theory that debunks them is silly, it starts with the idea that "gravity would pull everything to the center" is the earth is flat the theory of gravity is null and void because it is based on a rotating ball. and all i see in the comments is people reassuring themselves that what they were taught (didn't see with there own eyes) is real, nothing more.


I thought this was a parody of vsauce.

Keagan Ashford

I love how unbiased Vsauce here. In Vsauce we trust

Keagan Ashford


Mandra Mastur

the earth is flat like your girlfriend tits

So'n Typ halt

well you kinda made a wrong(-ish) Point with the cosmic proton: from the perspective of the Proton the Earth is, indeed flat, But if Earth would travel next to the Proton at the exact same Speed and direction it would Appear in it Natural Form, so since we are traveling in the same speed like Earth we can basicly see it like it is (within our Range of Informations) PS sry for bad english

angry gamer

But WHY do they want to lie to us? And water would just fall of the world

candiiican3k4rl gaming


Jesse klaver

7:56 hitler

Stephen Silvia

Video should be 2 seconds and should just be like "no"

B.U.G. Brothers

This is so rediculous

Jens Fleurackers

Memez boi!i!i!i!

Director Krennic

Everyone in the comments is arguing left and right about whether the Earth is flat or not, and frankly, I don't care. If the Earth turns out to be flat, it has no effect on anyone. Stop arguing, someday we're all going to die and you're just wasting precious time.

Arttu Lignell

How would earth accelerate all the time to create gravity, we would be pretty quickly travelling light speed and faster...


For all we know the earth could be a upside down dodecahedron

Ben Casarez

no such thing as gravity...this is more distraction

Hypnotic Monkey

Damn earth has curves

matthew moore

The earth is flat and no there is not an edge so your not going to fall off. Research the flat earth model and no not the flat earth society. If your going to mock something then research it first. Bouyancy and density, not gravity. The earth is flat and stationary, no test has ever measured the movementof the earth. Pepole need to wake up and realize that the elites lie. And no it wouldn't take every teacher to be "in on it" for them to deceive us. If u become a public teacher you teach what is in the book or lose your job. Use your own mind and look around u!!!

Lonely Asteroid

Flat-Earthers don't believe in gravity... *sigh*

Simon Kendrick

We will never truly know unless we go into space far enough to see for ourselves and people will always express there own opinions to create an argument (because that's human nature isn't it) flat vs round subject so it's really a pointless exercise nobody has absolute proof of anything just keep speculating. Can you imagine though how many people Would feel stupid if one day that solid proof was presented to be true as a flat earth or something else totally unexpected . Just my opinion. Interesting clip below https://youtu.be/Lb98i0Wo0xA

Evan Zayas

19 k ppl are idiots lol

Christopher Panter

the earth is thicc

Old McDonald Trump had a wall, no illegal-os.

The problem with the "alternate explanation" for circumnavigation is that the fastest way from point A to point B on the globe is NOT a straight line as would be the case of a flat plane, but is rather the path along a great circle. Unless our measuring tools magically bend and change scale based upon where we are on the Earth, flat-earth theories hold absolutely no weight in this regard. Not to mention that flat-earth theories involve assuming that physics as a science is incorrect and is absolutely nothing but speculation with extremely questionable "explanations" that rely on several assumptions as their only "evidence". In short, you'd have to be a complete fool or willfully ignorant (being the latter makes you the former) in order to actually believe that the Earth is flat.

Sebastien Cross

It's literally impossible for the world to be flat

Roaring Machines


Unitedtillidie Unitedtillidie

Where was antartica on your disc

Loreto O

i think its more interesting to question why "flat-earth believers" choose ignorance to guide their lives and deny science. maybe its religious fanatism??? maybe they think they are being clever??? are they just insane???? i think its a social phenomenon due to the excess of information in this world that we live in... i dont know, i think its interesting to think about if you ignore how annoying those people actually are hahah

Ryan Dunegan

In my experience flat eathers aren't "anti science", but people who, are so far pro science, that they say that a round Earth is a conspiracy to get people to believe dumb shit.

Denmo Music

The earth is flat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Oh damn I was hoping there would be more flat earthers here


Earth is flat

Chris Bryson

people who think the earth is flat are more retard then the 9/11 conspiracy theorist

Spicey Parcely


Zul Khairan

Do more research before make a video because I saw flat earth video and totally can argue with all that you said. Btw I'm not this flat-earther but I can said flat earth is more logic if you do more research



Ahmed Khalil

lcd Earth

Yuri Jose

The Earth is flat

Luca Giuspi

no, isn't flat

Samuele Giubergia

Cristoforo Colombo didn't discover that the earth was flat,was Galileo Galilei

Meaty Mate

2:14 To far man...

blue wolf

you have got to be kidding me


Flat Earth? Hard to believe. So, If i could dig the ground for a few meters, I could see the space?


I am totally freaking out about the Bobdole/Clinton crossword puzzle!!!


there are quite a few things i wonder about flat earth theorists. how do they explain how UHF and VHF communication has a range of a certain distance they call 'line of sight' while HF has a longer range they call 'over the horizon'? how do they explain that if you go east or west no matter how far you go you see the same stars, but you go north or south you start to see different stars? so here in the US i see the same stars i see in Japan, but in Australia the stars are completely different? also they say the lunar eclipse could be caused by the flat earth but wouldn't the sun have to go to the underside of the earth? meaning it would have to be that during a lunar eclipse it's not day anywhere, yet i don't see anyone claiming day didn't come during a lunar eclipse. and how can they claim gravity doesn't exist while still believing the gravity of the moon still affects tides?

Jesus Christ

Your iq is flat

TheMarcoTNL / El Cosmos

Earth Flat?? No night exist


For you guys saying how is it day and night if it's flat it's cus the sun and moon orbit and not the Earth

Flapjackpants 23

Wow, lol. If the earth is flat than how u go to Antarctica?


my plumb bob is perpetrating a hoax ha ha

Violet Equine

How do you explain day and night with this theory?

Praise Fiatepe

To me, my view for a flat earth is a for example, a ball cut into half. I think and believe the earth is flat or maybe not exactly flat but slightly concaved at the top.

Elijah the Millionaire

Why don't the people at the bottom of the earth fall


Lol.. look at the picture of the bridge. Its bowed but still ends with an equal vertical distance. Notice the FLAT RED LINE and FLAT HORIZON? Its bowed so its stronger. It doesn't curve down.

Mr Gill Bill


Olla Berliane

Earth is flat? Or round? I don't care!


Vsauce is a flat-earther confirmed lol

Flaze GD


Jm nero

One problem with your thoughts (hint: I only watched 35 seconds of the video). I dare you to look at the planets in our solar system with a high powered telescope and tell us what you see. The planets in our solar system are all sphere shaped. Why would our planet be any different? This is the problem with the science community these days. So called scientists talk out of their ass and call it truth without doing the exact steps within the scientific method. They go from forming a hypothesis directly to publishing it as truth without doing proper experiments. Also, why did this almost 3 year old video show up in my video feed?

Wolf Guard Miestwin

Earth isn't flat nor is it spherical. In reality the Earth is dick shaped.

Hexx Bombastus

Everytime I meet a flat earther I want to punch them in the face and lock them up in a middle school earth science classroom....

Beck Brooks

To summerise this video in one sentence: No the world is not flat and to anyone that thinks it is, fuck you you're basically Hitler.

Chips and Queso

Show this to kyrie

fds fds

So in conclusion, they're both correct? Got it

Can't believe This is real

You gotta love these goofball videos

Jacob Orangeheart

For me it doesn't matter flat or not I love this world.

Sean Diggins

If the earth is round then couldn't a helicopter hover in the same location and get transported after time

Anibal Guerra Karekides

I say is a Icosahedron hahahaha

Killua Kill

como eu vim parar aqui

Spiny Norman

No. It isn't. Next video...


Are you mental?


How did the solar eclipse occur? It's impossible for it to do it on a flat Earth. The moon aligned with the sun. Don't tell me that i'm exaggerating when I witnessed the eclipse with the glasses on myself and other people inevitably.

Holy Apple

:0 flat earth girl watched this


I told me friends about this.

Wolfy Ocelot

How will day and night work then

Daniel Parks

why tf is earth flat its round


"Accelerating up at 9.81m/s" christ that somehow actually offends me

James, Bird 23,33

This why kyrie Irving said earth is flat

Luke Allen

short answer: no

M. M.

No. It's not.

Brycen Lockhart

Who the fuck gives a shit if it's flat or not

Anonymous Unknown

Then why we have not fall off when we sail


how dose water say on earth if we are spinning

Ernesto Avina

Oh geez. Micheal dont indulge them.

Chase Houske

The easiest way to prove it is to just have them take one airplane flight around the world...


Wow gravity isnt real on a flat earth gravity doesnt exist if space is faked

Harry Andruschak

How can you spot a flat-earther? They are the ones who boo at the special Olympics.

matt foley666


matt foley666

YouTube's jared

Ilan Garcia


Ilan Garcia



Someone send this to Kyrie Irving

Mikah Dixon

plot twist: the earth is flat

Travis Williams

What a bunch of BULLSHIT!!!!

Mobo Le G

Kmt, what is this nonsense


Magalhaes is actually the guy who first cirvumnavigated the earth and not Colombo. Colombo is the guy who "discovered" brasil so i would say that.s not a misconception but just plain wrong

josh martin


Game- R -Age

If the earth is accelerating at 9.8 meters per second....wouldn't we beyond the speed of light by now?

robbe claes



the earth is obviously a cube you're all wrong. have yall not played minecraft?

Wan Onez

"sukaaa blyaaad" flat flat flat… hahahha . Maybe flat brain instead…

John Sanchez

erf is flet


Earth actually isn't flat

Znanynick Games

earth is a triangle, everybody knows that

Campbell Harris

Is this guy autistic? Impossible? I think not Mystery? Maybe Hotel? Trivago

Christo Hees

The earth has an core lava earthquakes get my drift how is all of that possible if the earth is flat. I am laughing my as off for these flat earthers dumb fucks

Christo Hees

Not to mension a north and south pole we have a magnetic field because the earth has a core

AbdulRhman Al Khulaifi

If the earth was flat day and night would be like switching on and off the light to our side and the other side which inhabited by midget dwarfs that look exactly like us. if the flat disc was spinning we would feel force pushing us to the outer side of the disc.

Wren Tamayo

The bible declared the earth was round before science did.

Cody Heath

u can believe science or the Bible science says the Earth is round the Bible says it's flat and stationary with pillars NASA's pictures are fake they're all CGI composites look it up for yourself YouTube scientism by celebrate truth

Cody Heath

and there is no curvature ever found anywhere on this Earth

David Emery

Absolutely superb video. Brilliant.

Riley Elbakano

Earth is flat. The Bible says it. The Bible says that when Jesus second coming, every eye on earth would see him in the sky coming down in his glory. That could only happen if earth is in fact flat. My question is, why lie about the world being flat n not round?

Julia Lerner

Flat Earthers don't believe its actually spinning tho.


Conclusion: Flat Earthers are moving at 0.9999999999991c


Then explain the rainbow and eclipses


Earth may be "round" but not a high speed spinning ball hurling through space look again

Shaboi Toy



This guy is a idiot.

Anahata Chakra

Can anyone help me understand this? Is flat Earth something people believe because of the bible and their belief in God or is it something people like atheists can believe too? Like can it be proven?


people laughed when explorers proclaimed the world was round. im shocked to see they are still laughing!!! I give all theorys a chance and optimistly listen. Flat earth is BS. I been on Panama City Beach for 3 days watching ships dissapear over the horozin due to curvature of the earth. Flat earth argues I cant see them because I simply cant see far enough LOL. so going by that the high power binoculars i have should allow me yo see the ship again. sorry no....when it dissaprars over the earths curve no optics can see it becuse its now blocked by water. of all the issues that need to be answered and exained flat erth is waste!

Justin Bieber

If earth was indeed round and spinning , airplane couldn't travel anywhere bcuz earth is spinning at much faster rate then airplane . This makes sense right ?

Shin Uchiha

so any flat earhter watched felix baumgarnter jump from space? Did that look flat to you?


How are people so autistic ????

Tanzania National Socialism


Leeber Gruber

Simple : earth isn't flat. Some people like to make that joke, and think that they are funny while they aren't

Anton Mammes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3tKmPuYoBE please explain

Counter-strike 1.6 Gaming zone

fake guy

Danielle Niner

these people need to get out more wot will thay say next???


I hate this intro so much. Every time I refresh the video this annoying evil looking guy yells HEY.

Hector Perez Marquez

If our PLANE T were a globe, you would be a smart, clever, cute, friendly, pleasant person, you...annoying thing.

Hush Whisper

God is REAL. He left something for Us to find on top of Our Planet. I found it several years ago and that's why I created my YouTube Channel. I'd like to invite anyone reading this, to come see what I found on Google Earth. I can prove to anyone on this Planet, that God is ABSOLUTELY REAL BEYOND ALL DOUBT. Please come see. This is NOT Click Bait. Several times already I've asked several different YouTube channels to come and try and debunk what I found, so far no one has. Please come see and help me share it with others. There's HOPE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K2XfdCjXfk

Dennis King

You wouldn't know vsause because you are a retard.


god its not flat

Arcade_wolf A

The partical thing is moving alot faster, so i'ts like all things are smaller and thiner than the things that are moving slower.. Just go to space flat people to prove it.


yeh it is

dan lam

Just look satellite ..stupid thinking

Mau Vasconcellos

A question to anyone who actually believe in this Flat Earth idea: how would you explain a lunar eclipse? Not a solar one, but LUNAR. Go.

Ravenooze 99

If flat earth is real then heaven is real then he'll is real and our world is in the middle

Pickle Rick

Only retards think the earth is flat

7 SermedWuzHere 7

Is vsauce actually dumb?

Wei Wei


Alexander Savage

You are the most Woke human alive.

Kim Sanderhoff

I guess they ran out of relevant topics. What's this bullshit? I remember when they topics used to be something that there actually was a good answer to. What's next? Can pigs secretly talk and fly? Answer = it's complicated. Ok... sure.

Sloan Ketter

No, no it is not.

Melon Dew

Oh no I have cancer now

Cotton Mather

Please morons, stop with the flat earth BS. Hey, go into a DeLorean and hit 88mph, set the Flux Capacitor to 1490 AD. LMAO!

Tag Ret

science is wrong. and earth is flat. Remember round had NEVER been proven. JUST A THEORY. duh.... and your full of shit

raphael gako

Stupid as hell! Hahaha. Accelerating upwards at 9.8m/s*s? Hahahaha. So a helicopter who is stationary at height of 1000meters would touch the ground because earth is going upward? Hahaha! This cult. Smfh!

Rex Stratton

No. No it isn't. Nope. No way. Nada. mmmmno. nah, no! It's actually sort of pear shaped bigger at the southern half than the northern.

Blake Reko

I see 3 clocks in the background when different times. Clearly this man has a time machine.

KObe Luke

I can’t tell if people think that Michael thinks the earth is flat or not, all he’s doing is making fun of people who do believe that and proving them wrong



Tashie Snower

Who the hell would believe NASA, and use manipulated textbooks to argue when the system is rigged? That's why people who "thinks" differently always get kicked out. The purpose of textbook answers is to distract you from "overthinking"

Duane Hulm

No matter what idiot FE vid you choose to laugh at, there it will be in the comments section... every single time, no exceptions... "If the earth was flat, cats would have blah, blah, blah... " And can somebody please validate the observational comic genius with his "fidget spinner" analogy? Give him or her a

duck101 loves bonnie


duck101 loves bonnie


duck101 loves bonnie


duck101 loves bonnie


duck101 loves bonnie


duck101 loves bonnie




Chris Alacbay

If Earth was flat, then how did pilots fly "around" the Earth once

Christopher Robin

Dude you don't know what you're talking about you're just a dog and a junkie and probably think the Earth is flat

Christopher Robin

What can not a drug addict junkie okay I take that back but you are retarded

Fernando Zamora



The earth is my nut sack

c G

The easiest way to tell your not on a globe is to take pictures of the sky at night of the stars every day and eventually you will see the stars are rotating around you and you are on a stationary plane. The comments here are fucking idiotic and autistic and 95% of the people commenting have not done enough research and believes everything the media and nasa tells them. This isn't even the full picture of a flat earth. There are 33 continents not 7. Hence 33 parallel, 33 mason. We live in the middle part of earth aka controlled earth. They don't understand the Antartica treaty and don't realize there are more continents past the ice wall thats why there is restricted fly zones. Just look up Admiral Byrd 1950 documentary where he discovers a huge land mass past the ice wall/Antartica. Stupid and unaware people will refute some claim, " if the earth was flat then how is there ____" well look it up and do some fucking research and you will find out there is an explanation on why things work on a flat plane. Why must you ask? its because the evil elites who work hand in hand with satan are in control of this controlled earth. Everything to your educational system, media, books, tv, etc. and want you to think were on a globe to pull you away from our creator. Earth is one big fucking test and they want you think for your flesh and sin not your eternal light aka your soul. If people knew we lived on a flat plane under a firnament then they would start to believe in a creator and be closer to the creator. Evil people feed off you and need the masses to not think for themselves. its 2017 people wake up and do some research and digging outside the mainstream media sources.

Green Tea

The jack-in-the box stunt is puerile.

Joe Shaughnessy

A flat earth would be the best sledding hill of all time

ricky brigoli


the shuriken

everyone knows that we are just living in the matrix, the earth is not even real!

Harry Andruschak

I would have no objections whatsoever to helping out a flat-earther....if I were a grave digger.


lol flat earth goes against all fact, science, and common sense. lol spotlight sun?? wtf is that haha. light doesnt work like that. and if they going around in a circle they could just change direction and go to the edge hahaha


Hello flattards. Can someone explain me why the sun never goes down during summertime in Greenland? Because we people live in arctic area. Earth is not flat. We live in arctic, where the nights can be felt like as daytime. Midnight sun.

probxtion gaming

the flat earth society has members all around the world

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